Saturday, April 11, 2015

11 April 2015 (112 days after The Day)

The drive back was tiring.  I forgot about the wind-farm that is on the way.  There seemed to be hundreds of wind turbines.  They are so incredibly huge!

I finally got back and stopped by Jan's grave to have a chat.  All this death has really had me reflecting much internally and I needed to stop by and chat with her.  After getting a haircut I came home and am finally sitting down.  Madilyn has a soccer game we will leave for in 15 min so this day just keeps going strong.

Madilyn's game ended and grandma ordered pizza for everyone to eat.  It was a nice break not to have to fix dinner and I am so thankful for all the support. 

After dinner I took Ammon to get a haircut and now that everyone is settled down, I'm going to bed.