Sunday, February 22, 2015

22 Feb 2015 (64 days after The Day)

So DFW is under a winter storm advisory.  We normally get snow every winter but this winter has been very mild.  So, the first snow in February.  It is weird but oh well.  I don't know if this will affect my ability to get me and Emma to our counseling session.  We shall see.

Today I received an oil painting a friend of mine did of one of the first photos of me holding Claire.  In the black background is a hidden image of Jan.  The artist caught Jan's spirit fully with her smile and it was all I could do to remain composed when I received it.  I was deeply touched.  It also had me feeling all over again.  I'm doing what I can to "man up" to face these feelings.  Running away is so easy but so childish.  I don't want to be that person.

I'm finishing the second dvd of the Return of the King of the Lord of the Rings tonight.  I just relate to the Hero's Journey so much.  I think we all do in some parts of our life.  To learn how to rise to the level of our potential and go through all the struggles we have to endure to earn the right to become what we become.  I have often thought of the phrase "to become" as we are all becoming something.  I find it a bit ironic that we toss around the word "worthy" in church settings and defined is "having sufficient merit or value" but looking up the history of the root word "worth" in "worthy" is founded in the phase "to become".  As I think on what God has in store for all of us I believe he is very interested in what we are all becoming or in other words... our worthiness.  After all, we are all becoming something, right?

So, on with my list

91.)  I am thankful for mirrors that provide an opportunity to have a candid conversation with yourself.
92.)  I am thankful for talents of others.  Tonight's event with the oil painting showed me a little of what God has blessed people with.  I wonder if I squander my talents or share them with others as some have done with me.
93.)  I am thankful for thick carpet and grass.  I find it relaxing to walk barefoot (when I am not breaking my toes) and feel the carpet/grass between my toes and under my feet.
94.)  I am thankful for snow.  For whatever reason snow makes winter fun.  That isn't the case for rain in the summer.  It is a reprieve from the heat though so I should probably think on that.
95.)  I am thankful for my kids joy as they play games together.  It makes me smile that this is still occurring despite all that has happened.
96.)  I am thankful for my wife's smile.  It is just healing.
97.)  I am thankful for the comforts of electricity, natural gas, and the internet.  I swear I just ignore these daily yet I am dependent upon all of them.
98.)  I am thankful that my kids enjoy spending time with me.  I enjoy chasing them and wrestling with them.  We have lots of good memories.
99.)  I am thankful for all the family games / puzzles we have.  Every game has lots of good memories.  And on that subject...
100.)  I am thankful that there were at least a couple of games that I could win consistently on against Jan.  She really stomped me on every game we played except Sorry and Uno.  Sounds funny but she got all the kids to gang up against me on these games.  That still makes me smile.