Tuesday, February 10, 2015

10 Feb 2015 (52 days after The Day)

6:35 pm

So today I did something I have never done.  I was extremely honest with myself.  Don't get me wrong I think I am honest but today I wrote down my fears, likes, and dislikes about myself.  I had a hard time typing it.  Seriously.  It was a bit therapeutic because once I wrote it I felt like it was off my chest.  Jan's passing has put me in a spiral out of emotional control.  I really am a mess.  I am always complimented on how composed I am but apparently I have a good poker face.  Me writing things down helped me state my real concerns ... my real fears.  My real likes and dislikes.  I realized that Claire was asked to come here and had no control over the situation.  I was raised without much of a father figure and I suppose I turned out ok.  I worry about Claire not having a mother.  I worry about being a good dad.  I am complimented on being a good dad but I wonder if "good" is good enough.

11:05 pm

I spent time with my former bishop.  He gave me some good council.  I feel mentally spent.  Today was a big feeling day.  I am beyond tired.