Thursday, March 26, 2015

26 March 2015 (96 days after The Day)

Today was a milestone - Claire rolled over multiple times on her own.  The first time she did this I thought it was an accident.  Today that thought was put to rest as I watched her roll over multiple times without any support.  I captured a video and sent it to Grandma.  I'm sure she is anxious to return once she recovers fully.

Today something odd occurred.  A family friend took Emma, Madilyn and Ammon out to a movie this evening.  I was home alone with Claire.  That was so weird to be alone with Claire without the chaos of the other kiddos in the home.  Claire spent a long time telling me a story and I enjoyed all of it.  :-)

As far as me - not much change.  I am still missing Jan and I guess that will continue until I see her again.