Monday, December 31, 2018

31 December 2018 (4 years and 11 days after The Day)

Here we are - New Years Eve... The older kids are out and Ammon is determined to stay up until the new year comes in.  Claire went to bed and I am emotionally drained.  Samantha is watching a show and I am typing away.  I know this may sound odd but at times the monotony of life is such that it will put me to sleep.  Sometimes I get busy with work or cleaning or random things to take my mind off of reality.  I think that is because life is hard sometimes.  Life is tough and requires active participation and sometimes I think we all just want a break.  I was talking to Samantha the other day on this subject and it just has been on my mind.  Anyway - changing subjects- Madilyn's Christmas gift of some wireless earphones have died.  I guess that is what you get for not purchasing genuine Apple products.  So - the returns have begun.

I'm enjoying my time off for the holidays and will return to work on Wednesday.  It has been good to have a break.  I think everyone needs a break from time to time.

That is it for today.