Thursday, January 3, 2019

3 January 2019 (4 years and 15 days after The Day)

So - it is the new year.  My apologies for not writing over the last few days.  Yesterday was the first day for me to go back to work and it was like a punch in the gut.  I never realized how much the time away from work meant.  So - after a full day of playing catch-up I went to the gym.  I don't know if it was the time away from the gym or the difficulty of getting back into the swing of things at work but the workout was good.  Today started like any other.  I got to work and started plugging away where I left off yesterday.  After getting a few things crossed off my list it was lunch time.  Samantha met me in the kitchen and she and I had some leftovers.  We talked about the kids and somehow the topic of Claire came up and how Claire may view Samantha when she is older.  This discussion ended up around Claire's traumatic birth and I ended up sharing some of my most painful internalizations that I have not shared with anyone regarding my feelings at the time everything was transpiring.  Suffice it to say I went from functioning to non functioning very quickly.  After the conversation Samantha headed to pick up Claire from preschool and I picked up my laptop and started writing.  I think this writing for me is therapeutic.  So - thank you for allowing me to receive some therapy and for those that read this silly thing - I hope there is something positive you get from it.

More later -  

So - I am just very thankful for Samantha.  She really is Wonder Woman.  She is so kind and loving she juggles a ton and is there for the kids.  I don't know how I lucked out.  I think of how she handled situations and how differently I would have.  She has such kindness.  I am grateful for her.  She really helps me to be a better me.  I am so thankful for that.

Until tomorrow-