Monday, January 7, 2019

7 January 2019 (4 years and 19 days after The Day)

So before and after a productive day at work I shoveled snow.  Lots and lots of snow.  I put salt on the driveway and used a linoleum scraper to scrape ice off the driveway.  It is extremely effective.  When I moved here from Texas I didn't have much in the order of snow removal tools except for this scraper that was extremely useful in Arlington when the snow and ice came.  I used this in UT and at first people looked at me like I was just weird but after I was scraping the concrete clean I have seen people have envious looks.  The thing that is humorous is the scraper looks homemade.

I am appreciating clean streets.  I am appreciative of kids that try their best and while they make mistakes and can be at times annoying they are good kids.  I love them.  I am appreciative of a wife that helps keep the chaos in order at our home.  The amount of things she juggles is staggering and I am thankful for her.

Well - we got the kids car into the driveway so if the plow comes by he can scrape that section of the road.  I had to dig out places for the trash cans to go.  It was tiring.  I'm off to bed.