Tuesday, May 26, 2015

26 May 2015 (157 days after The Day)

Well - more rain.  New roof is leaking.  :-(  Grabbed my phone and took a video.  Put a call into the roofer and will see what happens.  I grabbed some towls and sopped up the standing water that was on a piece of cardboard that I placed before the new roof to catch the water.  I'm fortunate that the leak is over the garage/living room so hopefully the damage will be minimized.

My girls put about 90% of their belongings in bins and I put them in the attic.  I don't know why that event was so emotional for me but afterwards I felt like I did after the funeral.  My energy was just gone. 

With that as a background with the rain - I think I will sleep well tonight assuming Claire sleeps too.  :-)