Sunday, May 17, 2015

16 May 2015 (147 days after The Day)

Well - yesterday has been a very rough day for me.  I have muscled through everything but I am just feeling sad.  I did have a reprieve when I took care of the lawn.  So, perhaps I need to do more of that. 

I have thought on the phrase "what doesn't kill you will make you stronger".  I'd like to add the addendum "but you may wish for death along the way".  I have a new found appreciation for this struggle.  I welcome it.  Doesn't that sound odd?  I do.  I welcome the ability to grow spiritually and emotionally from this event.  Don't get me wrong - I mourn the loss of my best friend.  There isn't a moment that passes that I don't wish I could be with her.  The sharpness of the pain has dulled a bit.  I don't know if it really has or that I am more accustomed to the javelin.  The pain comes in waves as it always has and I now understand what that ocean looks like more than when I was first adrift.  I can see the peaks and valleys.

So - it is nearly 4am and my sleeping is what it seems to be these days.  I assume Claire will need a bottle so I am awake.  Yay!  Ammon has come into my bedroom because of the intense thunderstorm.  I'm dating this entry for yesterday since I technically should be asleep right now.  I'll write more later.