Today was a good day. In summary... I slept. That was very much needed. I went to church late because I finally got to sleep around 6 or so and didn't wake up until after 9. We talked about the prodigal son. I often looked at this story from the side of one of the brothers. Today I looked at it from the father's side. He probably knew what his son was going to do with his inheritance and yet he allowed him to leave. The concept of love that is taught there speaks volumes to me. I think God knows exactly what we will do when given to our own desires and then allows us to live through the consequences. We are allowed to grow. When the story starts and ends we are left with two sons that live at home. The main difference is internal. I just began to realize how much God loves us even when we stray and how much he wants us to learn and how he wants us to desire to return home. That internal desire is I believe what we are all working on.