From the birth of my fourth child until today. This gives a glimpse into my life that is filled with joy, sadness, pure happiness, and devastating grief... in other words... it is real.
Thursday, September 24, 2015
23 Sept 2015 (277 days after The Day)
It is weird for me to think that Claire is 9 months old. Time really is no respecter of persons. Work proved to be helpful in it was so busy. New projects help to move time along. Claire makes me laugh when I see her. She really is a daddy's girl. I love the fact that she can be in a very bad mood or very tired but when she sees me she wants me to hold her and she smiles. That brings a lot of comfort. She also enjoys her baths. She just loves to splash. My mom sent me this video below of Claire just playing. She is such a sweet little girl.