Thursday, September 17, 2015

17 Sept 2015 (271 days after The Day)

Today is another busy day.  Emma to seminary at 5:30, physical therapy at 7:30, a day-long meeting at work, and then off to a soccer game with Madilyn at 6.  I do enjoy being busy and sometimes I just forget about everything that is going on.  I forget about Jan, Samantha, and my own needs.  I just get busy and forget.

The day was as busy as I expected.  I came home to say hi and then Madilyn and I left to go to the soccer game.  She is getting better and better and I was pleased to see her ownership of the ball.  Jan would be proud too... she would scream and yell and cheer on the team.  I miss that.  Madilyn's team tied last night.  It was a very good game.