Saturday, November 28, 2015

28 Nov 2015 (343 days after The Day)

Today was another relaxing day except for the fact that I was sick.  We looked at some neighborhoods where homes were for sale and then the kids all went with Samantha's mom to see a movie.  They all enjoyed that.  My kids all have come to me at different times sad about Jan.  The changes are big.  The changes are real.  They are all dealing with things in their own way.  On a fun side they all went sledding in the backyard today.  That was a fun experience for them all.  They all were smiling and having a blast.  Claire cheered them on from the window inside.  We all were laughing both inside and out.  Today was a pizza day for dinner.  I had chicken noodle soup.  I just don't feel well.

Oh... and another note - Samantha is an amazing cook.  Seriously.  Like she cooks stuff you would eat in a restaurant.  I feel very blessed.  She is not only a good cook but an amazing mom.  There is nothing she cannot do it seems.  I'm sure Jan is smiling at how good of a mom she is to the kids.  Like I said - I feel very blessed.