Sunday, November 8, 2015

07 Nov 2015 (322 days after The Day)

Today I started the hard part - packing and purging the big items.  It started in the back yard.  I disassembled the trampoline.  Some friends of ours picked it up but the process of taking it down reminded me of the time I put it together.  Lots of memories and I suppose that will be the story of moving.  Lots of memories and deciding what is worth packing up ... and what is not.

I have come to understand that purging is almost as nice as repenting.  Getting rid of stuff that you have held onto for so long has a bit of freedom with it.  No longer do I feel bogged down with items that have value... just not for me.  I felt like a steward of a warehouse of stuff that I would not use.  I am glad we are able to purge and be free of the stuff that was accumulated over the years.