Saturday - the busiest day yet for me. I woke early and got the area around the piano cleared out. I took pictures and recorded as best I could of the piano and the current scratches. The piano movers arrived, took inventory of the piano, recorded scratches and marks, and began wrapping the piano. By the time the piano was out of the house I was left with a feeling of emptiness. The piano really is for me an important part of the home.
Jake arrived early and started helping me with the garage. We began to empty out the garage and made piles. Trash and donate. Jake was able to take a large amount of Christmas decorations which was a huge blessing for me. We don't need double the decorations so I kept the important ones and sent the rest with Jake. I spent the entire day in the garage. Jake left a few hours in and by the time nighttime came my garage was looking better. I was able to get things in order but tired is an understatement. I really feel I am starting over with my own stuff. I gave Jake my tool chest. It was my first. It worked but had trouble handling the weight of all my tools and would work better in an environment where the tools were not so heavy. I was happy to see him take it.
I loaded up the van with the donate pile and arrived at Goodwill to find out they were closed. I returned home, ate some dinner, and waited for Jake to arrive to pick up his pile of stuff. When he arrived we got everything packed up and loaded.
I retired exhausted. The pile of trash slowly disappeared as people drove by and took what they wanted.