My activities seem to flow as slow as molasses. I will officially relocate about 1200 miles north and am working like a mad man to get things in order at work. My home is almost packed. I have to spend some time today in the garage to get things completely packed. I find I am just exhausted. I talked with Samantha today about feeling like I was forgetting Jan. I spent 15 years working to be the best husband I could be. I want to improve as a person. That is just who I am. So I spend 15 years focusing on areas I know were weak when I was with Jan. Now that I am with Samantha I feel like I am starting over working on completely different areas. In a way I feel a little tired. I think we all feel like we know the future to some extent. We will do our normal routine and another day will pass. My life was turned upside down in one day and a year ago I wouldn't have dreamed that I would be where I am today.
I found a dream list that Jan wrote. One of the top entries was live where there were mountains. I think it is ironic that I had no desire to leave Texas and yet I am going where there are mountains and she is staying here. I know she is with me in spirit and that is comforting.
My girls have to finish their room today. They have put it off for some time. I worry that the truck will arrive and their room will still not be packed. There are just so many moving pieces. So very many.
I retired to bed exhausted. The girls will work on their room tomorrow and I will work on the garage tomorrow. Another day has come to an end.