I have been amazed with how the Good Lord will work through others to bring peace back into my life when only a few months ago I struggled to just live. This life event has hit me to the core. It has challenged any and all beliefs I have on the eternities. It has helped to re-prioritize my life with things that really matter. What heals grief? Love. I have been surrounded by friends and family who's outpouring of love has brought peace. I was introduced to a widow/widowers group where others who have experienced this hell have a place to vent and support each other. There is a scriputre that I have found to be true... it goes like this
And behold, I tell you these things that ye may learn wisdom; that ye may learn that when ye are in the service of your fellow beings ye are only in the service of your God.
How does God work - through you and me. By small and simple means. A phone call - a comforting hug - a listening ear. For all who have helped me through this I extend my appreciation that you allowed yourself to be an instrument in the hands of God. I have indeed felt His love and comforting arm and I owe it to everyone who stood up and helped. Thank you. Thank you all.