Wednesday, June 17, 2015

17 June 2015 (179 days after The Day)

Everyday I create an entry and tick the day ahead by one.  Every day I am amazed at how much time has passed.  So much time but it still feels like yesterday.  I was able to get a little sleep last night so today I am not completely exhausted but I am very tired.  I took my older kids to church activities tonight and Ammon and I just hung out.  We looked at horses and played games.  Those are moments I treasure.

Claire has had a tough time going to sleep tonight.  Grandma fed her some baby food before bed so I am hoping it helps her last through the night.  Time seems to fly and yet not move at all.  It is a weird feeling.  Grandma took a cute pic of her.  I'll include it in this entry -