Monday was a struggle to get back into the swing of things. I found myself thinking of Jan and Samantha during the day. One moment it was Jan... another Samantha. It is weird to love two women and have them both love you back. Samantha and I are getting wedding details ironed out. That seems to be taking a moment to work through. I also realize that we will be combining homes... two sets of dishes... two sets of flatware... two sets of pots and pans... This is only the kitchen.. there are other items that will need to be set aside. I am also going through all of our personal stuff. Trying to figure out what is a keep and what isn't. This is proving extremely difficult. My heart is very tender on this subject. I think this exercise will have be stretching and growing again. I am not looking forward to this.
I took Claire to the doctor this morning and all was well. That is very encouraging.