Monday, December 22, 2014

21 Dec 2014 (One day after The Day)

The care continued for Jan and Claire.  Jan had gobs of issues since her body was in shock.  Her blood pressure had decreased to about 30/15 and they were giving her gobs of medicines to help this improve along with blood to help with her blood loss. They were able to get her blood pressure to about 60/30 and realized that this course of action was not helping.  They were able to maintain her health (kind of) but were not making any headway on getting her body repaired.  She had lost a lot of blood and she was bleeding faster than they could get new blood into her.  Dialysis was performed to assist in the cleaning of her blood and she started slowly to make improvements. Her blood pressure was low after this and slowly improved back to around 40/20.  The doctors were worried that her heart would stop.