Saturday, December 2, 2023

02 December 2023 (8 years, 11 months, 13 days after The Day)

 Today I awoke to the sound of a snow blower.  It was a dreaded sound when you are all snuggly in bed.  For those not living where it snows this means there is work to be done.  I laid there in bed with my eyes still shut not wanting to arise. I eventually got up and threw on my clothes and jacket.  Put on my headphones and laced up my boots.  I threw my leaf blower on my back and got to work.  I have a commercial leaf blower that makes quick work of snow removal but there is one catch.  It has to be cold.  In the fall the snow is wet and that makes it difficult for the blower to do much other than make really good snow balls.  I was able to get a lot of the snow moved so shoveling was light.  If the snow falls but melts later in the day it is not cold enough.  If it falls and stays frozen through the day then the snow blower can move that snow all day long.  Anyway, in total it was 7K steps.  Samantha wanted to get the house cleaned so I vacuumed and mopped the kitchen, living room, and dining room floors while she was busy upstairs.  I then cleaned some of our fabric sitting chairs with one of those wet vacuum cleaner things.  Um... every time I use this thing it is both amazing and gross.  This is where we sit.  We wear regular clothing right?  yet, the color of the water is BLACK and the smell... oh my goodness... the smell!  Let's just say, it wasn't the smell of cookies.  

Afterwards, the Christmas season has everyone running errands so we were with the masses at Walmart which is not my most favorite of places but makes for some interesting people watching for sure.  It is about 8pm now and I have about 8k steps.  For me, that is a lot.  My kids are all out doing things tonight so Samantha and I are going to watch a movie and just have a calm moment once Claire is down for the night.

On a different note, I'm involved in a local IT group here in Utah and it looks like I am going to be teaching them about Machine Learning which is a big topic.  Everyone is interested in this as a subject.  Because I learned this topic at school this has made me the local expert which is very unsettling.  I mean - sure, I have taken classes on the subject matter and yes, I do understand it but probably not well enough to teach 200 people!  I suppose the comment that Stephen Covey said is true - when you teach once, you learn twice.  I'm working on how to teach it in a lab environment. 

Anyway - To all that are reading this - I hope you all have a blessed evening.  Until later - 

Friday, October 20, 2023

20 October 2023 (8 years, 10 months, 1 day after The Day)

 Well - my sincere apologies - I lost track of time and didn't realize just how long it had been since I last wrote in the blog.  So - Summary posts are always lame.  I don't feel like they give justice to all that has been going on.  I had a business trip to Houston and Arlington a while back and that was good.  I was able to work with a lot of people and get a lot done.  I came home and promptly got sick.  It is no fun being ill. I awoke a few nights after my return with a sore throat.  Boo.  

Tonight I went with my family to get pumpkins to carve on Sunday.  We picked out a lot of them.  We got over $80 worth of pumpkins for all the kiddos and friends to carve.  I never really carved pumpkins with Jan so this is a fun tradition we have now.  I found a really wide short pumpkin with a big stem.  I figured this was good for the front door.  The good thing is this pumpkin doesn't have to move any time soon.  Pumpkins are the perfect fall fruit... they are perfect for halloween as well as thanksgiving.  

I watched the Astros win game 5 on the ALCS tonight.  I love the Astros.  They are like family.  I get tickled when people have such vitriol towards them for the cheating scandal claiming their team would never cheat.  For those of you who feel I speak blasphemes against your team - for your reading pleasure.  

I am heading to bed early tonight.  This cold is just no good.  :-(


Monday, July 24, 2023

24 July 2023 (8 years, 7 months, 5 days after The Day)

 My mother-in-law (Jan's mom) passed away.  The flood of emotions that have followed isn't something that I thought would hit me so hard.  Jan was distant from her parents during the last few years of her life.  There were hurt feelings on both sides.  This was very unfortunate but the argument affected not only Jan but me.  It affected my relationship with her parents.  I love them dearly. Time may not heal all wounds but I believe in Christ and believe he can.  Her funeral is in a few days.  I regret not being in more contact during the last few years of her life.  Regrets seem to be a common theme at funerals.  I suppose this one is no different.  She and her husband were private people and yet I felt accepted by them.  I miss them both.  I wish I could have a conversation with both of them.  I suppose in time I will.  So - the funeral is on my mind.  I will see family I haven't seen in years.  Funerals and weddings seem to be the place for family reunions.  

Here is her obituary

Until later -   

Friday, July 21, 2023

21 July 2023 (8 years, 7 months, 2 days after The Day)

 I have been in a funk the last few days.  I think that is because the rigors of school have gone and I find myself with free time but no activities.  Outside of a few car costs that have occupied my time I really just find myself thinking.  I think about everything and nothing.  I find myself staring off as I allow my mind to drift.  Jan's mom has failing health.  I talked to the kids about this so they are aware.  At times I reflect on my life with Jan and it is hard to recall.  There are so many things I have forgotten.  My kids have forgotten too.  It is very sad.  At times I close my eyes to reflect upon that time.  I imagine myself sitting on the couch and hearing what life would be like.  The clattering of the AC filter as the AC turned on/off.  The sound of the dishwasher, the sounds of small kids, the sound of some cartoon on the TV, etc.  I think about how many things I took for granted.  If Jan were sitting by me right now I wonder what I would say.  I feel like I need a reintroduction.  I find myself thinking so long and hard on things that I can be silent for hours.  Sometimes Samantha asks me a question or I strive to share some of my thoughts and just getting my thoughts together seems like a lengthy process.  Samantha wants me to just talk but I find myself opening and shutting my mouth as if words were queued up but never launched.  What has really been on my mind is my kids.  I wonder if I have been a good enough parent to help them be functioning adults.  I know they have some maturing to do but it is hard.  It is hard especially when your children make decisions that you don't agree with.  For me it makes me question what I did and if I could go back in time what would I change.

So - I find myself thinking.

Years ago, Jan made me some stationary with this statue's silhouette.  I find myself pondering things so often.  One thing I know.  I'm tired.  I feel like I hit my 40's and my body decided to fall apart.  Restless Leg Syndrome is something I am battling.  It is horrible.  I need to get a prescription.  Last night my legs kept me awake for about 2 hours.  

Well - Samantha and I are waiting on the results from Claire's EEG.  No news yet.  I'm frustrated with our Neurologist.  The guy just seems to treat neurological disorders as commonplace.  Hope to hear something soon.

Until later - 

Monday, July 10, 2023

10 July 2023 (8 years, 6 months, 21 days after The Day)

 I've been a bit distant mentally over the last few days.  You know when you just think on things and then realize it has been a while since you have talked to people?  Well - if you haven't had that experience, that is what happens when I get in a zone of thinking.  I'm sure I did a lot of that when Jan died.  So - there is a lot of the same stuff.  All the kids are working a lot (with obvious exception to the youngest two) but the others are constantly working and gone.

My car is in the shop for a catalytic converter.  They had to order one.  It is there at the shop waiting on the part to arrive.  This makes for some juggling of vehicles.

I'm mentally spent.  Until later - 


Wednesday, July 5, 2023

05 July 2023 (8 years, 6 months, 16 days after The Day)

 So today someone ran into Madilyn's vehicle and tore off the bumper.  Luckily we got the offending parties insurance info but suffice it to say it was a bit frustrating.  This was Madilyn's first day working in a clinic.  She absolutely loved it.  I have to think there is a bit of her Grandma (my mom) and Grandpa (Jan's dad) in there because they both loved medicine and worked in it as a profession.  When Madilyn started describing some of the injuries people were dealing with I was like - OK, I'm done listening.  

Yesterday we had a good 4th.  It was a nice break from work and I was able to serve some BBQ to family here.  About 35 ate and the ribs were gone first, then brisket, then pulled pork, then chicken.  We left with only a bit of pulled pork and chicken that wasn't eaten.  That always makes me feel good when a crowd eats and is filled and happy.  I did have someone years ago ask for a fork.  I was and still am confused by this.  It is like they have never eaten BBQ.  My brisket doesn't require a fork.

I'm helping Emma work out some calculation of hours worked.  She has a pay discrepancy that appears on the surface that will require a sit-down discussion with someone.

I just rode 11 miles prior to writing this entry.  It was good to get outside and have a moment on my bike.  I got an email today that the city will be having motorcycle police on the trails to enforce bicycle laws.  I am so happy for this.  I realize it is an irritant to stop your bicycle when you cross a road but personally I fear killing bicyclists as they blow through intersections in packs.  I cannot stop my car on a dime!

Oh - and here is another picture of Monroe.  She is so cute!

Sunday, June 25, 2023

25 June 2023 (8 years, 6 months, 6 days after The Day)

 Today was action packed.  It started off with church and me teaching a lesson in the men's group (Elder's Quorum).  I then returned home and took a nap.  Samantha planned a picnic at one of the waterfalls near us.  We took all the kids that were local and loaded up the van.  It was such a fun outing.  We returned tired.  Claire fell asleep in the car. 

A few days ago I got a chance to visit with Jan's brother and his wife who were in town.  It was so good visiting with them.  I do wish we were closer.  When I married Jan, he became a brother to me and has been all these years.  I'm so glad we still have a good relationship.  One of the hard things is being separated by distance.  He was cleaning out a storage unit and he gave me a few things of my late father-in-law to pass on to my children.  I am so thankful for that.  It is a part of my life that is akin to an old room that was closed and untouched.  At times there are things that trigger a memory and it is like walking into that room all these years later.  

Samantha and I are juggling car issues.  I have to take my car into the shop tomorrow.  It seems the new/old Honda is just starting to show its age.  I am hopeful the repair isn't too expensive.  It wasn't that long ago (in my mind) that a check engine light was generally the notice that your car engine just died.  Today the light gives you ample warning that something is awry.  So - fingers crossed that it isn't anything too bad.

I'm off to bed.  More later - 

Wednesday, June 21, 2023

21 June 2023 (8 years, 6 months, 2 days after The Day)

 Well - the last few days have been generally normal.  I got the hospital to "reprocess" the bill to insurance.  Who knows if insurance and the hospital can work out the details.  It is so frustrating. 

Last weekend I picked up some roundup that had an electric sprayer attached to the bottle.  The electric sprayer was broken.  I ended up dumping the bottle into a pump sprayer I had (which also was broken but good enough for one last run).  I sprayed all the weeds.  I came in the house and was sneezing.  I think the ragweed is crazy where I am so I am just constantly sneezing.  

Claire is like me in the mornings in that she wakes up early.  Her normal routine is she wakes up early and then comes into the master closet (where I work) and wants me to entertain her.  This has been problematic if I have meetings in the morning.  She is happy and silly in the mornings so while it is disruptive it is also funny.

I found a funny image today that represents the struggle I had in school.

The question is faulty and thus leaves the student trying to discern how to answer the question.  

I have really enjoyed having a break from school.  I never realized how valuable my time is until after my schooling.

I was thinking about Jan today.  I think about her often but it amazes me how much time has passed.  It seems as if we are strangers now which is an odd feeling.  I honestly don't know how I feel these days.  It seems as if I had a different life back then.  

Until later - 

Sunday, June 18, 2023

18 June 2023 (8 years, 5 months, 30 days after The Day)

 Today was Father's Day.  It was a good day.  The last couple of days has been very stress filled.  

I didn't write much just because of the things I have been juggling.  The stress started off with Madilyn feeling like she was having a heart attack at work.  Her boss took her to the closest hospital and I met her there.  After all the diagnostics were done it was determined that she had some injury to her ribs that was causing inflammation that was causing severe pain in her chest.  They gave her an anti-inflammatory and it was helpful.  She has been taking ibuprofen since and that has helped.  My health insurance isn't always accepted and so I looked and felt like a cheap person haggling with the reception about if I should take Madilyn to a hospital that took our insurance.  I was told they would accept it.  So - $540 later I am wondering what the bill will actually look like.  We faced a similar situation earlier in the year where our insurance wasn't accepted but we didn't have a choice at the time as there were no in-network hospitals close and we ended up getting a $13K bill which we are still working out between insurance and the hospital.  The process moves so slow that the billing department is threatening to send the bill to collections but it is all about the insurance talking with the hospital which apparently they both won't do independently of me making a 3-way call work.  It is so very frustrating.  Then on a separate instance Claire's neurologist is having resistance to us using an in-network hospital for a test they requested for her Epilepsy.  This resistance has led to her medication running out and now I am at the pharmacist in the morning (again) asking for an immediate refill since she is out.  So - tomorrow morning is starting with me at the pharmacist waiting for them (in person) to get a refill from the doctor so Claire doesn't have any seizures.  Yay.

So - that kinda summarizes the last few days.  Yesterday I spent the morning getting the yard cleaned up.  Ammon and I worked outside and then he went inside to help Samantha.  I spent the entire time with a trimmer getting all the weeds.  Ammon went with his friends to Strawberry Days and had a good time.  I cleaned up and slept.  Afterwards we were having issues with our TV and after a while I diagnosed the Roku as being faulty.  The TV has had speaker issues and the Roku was faulty - so I talked it over with Samantha and we ended up getting a new TV.  The last TV that either of us purchased was well over 10 years ago.  Things are so different with technology on TVs.  I had to sign my life away on contracts just to turn the darn thing on.  This has to be the #1 contract nobody reads.  

Anyway - Samantha and I went for a drive and had dinner at one of the canyon parks.  There was a sizable water runoff which made the experience wild.  The water runoff caused an avalanche (as seen below) that broke trees, signs, and covered the pathway.  The white specks on the right of the people in the image is snow.  That big mound is snow and debris.  Yes - it is the middle of June and not at all cold.

Today after going to church we visited with Samantha's parents and then went home.  I slept.  Samantha made dinner and almost all the kids were here.  It was so good to visit with each of them.  We then did Karaoke night and I laughed until I cried.  

Well - that is a summary of all the things.  I'm so looking forward to haggling with insurance and hospitals tomorrow.  NOT!


Wednesday, June 14, 2023

14 June 2023 (8 years, 5 months, 26 days after The Day)

 Work seems to be transforming for me.  Or, perhaps, maybe I am just looking at it differently.  Today I spent time setting up things for a repeating internship.  Madilyn has decided to work towards a EMT.  I think it fits her personality.  Claire, Samantha, and I took a drive this evening and Claire talked THE WHOLE TIME.  Seriously.  She has a shirt that my mom got her that says "Never Not Talking" and it is SOOO true.  

Anyway - short entry today - until later - 

Monday, June 12, 2023

12 June 2023 (8 years, 5 months, 24 days after The Day)

 Today was actually a quick passing day.  My second intern got all their paperwork submitted and I worked to get their machine configured.  I then met with the other intern and ironed out some of their deliverables.  Meetings passed and then the day was out.  It was nice to have a swift day.

Madilyn and Emma have been gone all day.  I believe they are just working.  I saw Dylan briefly today in passing.  I fixed up my old bike and Ammon rode it for the first time today.  It is weird seeing him ride my bike.  He is almost my height.  I played a memory game with Claire and that was fun.  We had home made pizza and then found ourselves watching Sense and Sensibility (1995 version)

I don't know why but I enjoy these types of films.  I went by the store to refill some prescriptions and then stopped by the library with the kiddos to get some books.  By the time I got home it was time to read a book to Claire and get her to bed.  I had just sat down when Samantha came into the room and said "hurry - let's go ride our bikes"  I reluctantly got dressed for the occasion, loaded our bikes, and hit the trail.  After the ride I am exhausted.

Until later - 

Sunday, June 11, 2023

11 June 2023 (8 years, 5 months, 23 days after The Day)

 So this entry is a catch-up entry.  I had to travel for work last week and found myself dealing with an interesting set of events.  


Ammon and I flew to Houston.  I had work meetings and Ammon had a church camp on the campus of Texas A&M. I packed my son's passport so traveling through TSA would be a breeze.  We arrive in Houston (about 10pm) and get to the Avis rental car facility to find I am issued a new Kia Telluride. 

 I'm excited to drive this because Samantha and I were debating on if we should buy one.  So, Ammon and I open the trunk only to be hit with a wall of smell that was a mixture of cigarette and pot.  I opened the driver's door to find three (3) scented tree air fresheners hanging from the rear view mirror.  I didn't want to get saddled with a $450 smoking fee so I opted to see if there was an alternative vehicle. They had a Kia Sorrento that was new and clean.  Ammon and I put our bags in the car and left for the Days Inn in Webster, TX.  It was... lacking.  The facility is short staffed, no elevator, and our room was on the 2nd floor.  We lugged our suitcases up the flight of stairs and got in our room.  The room was very tight.  Two queen beds, a small bathroom, and a tv.  We went to sleep.  


In the morning we headed off to my mom's home. My brother-in-law smoked some BBQ and it was nice having a moment there with them.  My other sister stopped by and it was a good visit.  She gave me a belated Christmas gift for me, my wife, and my family.  My nephew and Ammon left to College Station, TX which is about 2 hours away.  It was good catching up with my sisters.   

We haven't been together in ages so it was good getting us all together.  I left to check into my hotel that I would be staying at for the week.  After checking in and getting to my room I set to ironing all my clothing for the week and hanging it in a very cramped closet.


I awoke and got my morning routine down.  I got in my Kia Sorrento and drove downtown in rush hour traffic.  I got parked and waited for someone who had access to let me up to come get me.  After getting in the office and working through a myriad of daily tasks, I got settled into the groove of work.  I have an intern working for me at the moment and have spent some time working with him to get him up to speed with what needs to be accomplished.  My boss and I went to lunch and then back to the normalcy of work.  Both of us were preparing for the next day's management meetings.  The day seemed to end as quickly as it started.  I headed back to my sister's home to visit with my family then onto the hotel to get some rest.


Another set of normal tasks but this first management meeting was held at a manufacturing facility in Houston.  Breakfast from Shipley's!  Nice!

We covered a myriad of topics and then after lunch the VP of Operations for the Houston facility gave everyone a tour.  It was good getting everyone up to speed with what manufacturing is like.  After the tour we went back discussed more IT stuff until the break for dinner.  Dinner was in a place called the Flight Club in downtown Houston.  A coworker rode with me as I drove there.  After about 30 min (6 pm) we found ourselves parking in a well lit parking garage connected to this restaurant.  We threw our bags into the back of the vehicle where the windows were super dark.  We had a number of vehicles all traveling there so additional parking was nice.  We all arrived at nearly the same time and went into the restaurant.  It was a place filled with dart games and we found ourselves working in teams to beat each other.  They had a buffet of food so the games were nonstop.  After about 1.5 hours we then moved to the bar section where there was more socializing.  I had to present the next day so I excused myself and asked the coworker if he wanted to get his stuff or if he wanted me to drive him to the hotel.  He said he would grab his stuff so we walked to the car.  After arriving, my coworker was looking at the rear of the vehicle.  I walked from the driver's side and unlocked the car.  I instructed him to open the rear hatch by lifting in the extreme bottom of the door.  It wasn't until I opened it that I realized what he was looking at.  

Glass was falling from the window.  Our bags were gone.  The feeling of being robbed is something that I hope nobody has to live through.  It is such a violation.  My son's passport, my work laptop, notebooks, etc. all gone.  My coworker had his medication, laptop, credit cards, etc.  My sister's box of gifts to my family had been left.  The car next to ours had a window broken as well.  

We looked around and found about 4 cars that had been burglarized.  We called the police but after waiting an hour nobody showed.  The car next to us that had been broken into said he was told to file a form online.  We all voiced our frustrations and then I drove my coworker to his hotel.  I then drove to Avis to exchange the car.   The exchange process was slow since it was so late at night.  Hardly anyone was working.  I was put into a Ford Excape.  The rear driver tire was low but I figured I would put some air into it in the morning.  I just wanted to get back to the hotel.  I called Samantha frustrated with the events of the day.  I landed at the hotel and went up to my room trying to figure out how I would present anything the next day without a laptop.  I used my phone to report the theft using a form from the Houston Police Department.  


I went to my car to find my rear driver's tire flat.  It had about 10 lbs of pressure which was enough to drive a couple of blocks to a service station to put air in the tire.  

The passenger rear tire was low as well.  I filled both rear tires and then drove downtown.  I got a loaner laptop to present on and then a replacement laptop later in the day.  I am so fortunate that we had some spares available.  I got an email stating that the police form I filled out was rejected and that I needed to come into the station.  I was so frustrated.  After the day's events we had a happy hour reception at a bar in the same building as our meetings.  After socializing with everyone, I left to retire for the day.  I got to my car to find my tires had lost about 10 lbs. of pressure.  I drove to the hotel and then called Avis.  They could change one of the tires but said I could only drive 50 miles on the spare so I told them I would go to Avis, again, and see if there was an alternate vehicle.  I went to sleep frustrated.


I aired up the tires again and found a local Avis car rental in Pearland, TX where I was staying.  They didn't have any vehicles and suggested I go to one of the airports in Houston.  I left for the closest airport (Hobby) and then pulled in to exchange the vehicle.  After parking, they directed me to go in the main building to exchange the vehicle.  They put me in a Dodge Ram pickup.  

I got my phone synced in the pickup and headed North to downtown.  After squeezing into a parking spot I realized I had the other keys from the Ford still in my pocket.  At this point I just wanted to scream.  I got my phone and cable and headed up to the office.  After talking with Avis I asked if I could bring my key after work.  They said that was fine.  I had multiple meetings and a solid day of productivity.  COVID has altered work and many people are remote on Friday so I planned to not drive in the next day.  As I was leaving work there was a torrential downpour.  I set my map to Avis (again) and headed south.  The rain was extremely strong and I was left wondering if I could even get to Avis.  You see, Hobby Airport in Houston is at a low point.  I have flooded out a car before with water over 4 feet deep so I reluctantly decided to just drive to my sister's home instead.  By the time I got there the rain had just stopped.  Limbs from trees were in the street.  You could tell it was a hard hard hard storm.  I was inside my sister's home only a few minutes before her neighbor called her and asked if she could help move her trampoline which was now leaning outside her property on the neighbor's fence and house.  I walked over there and found a very large trampoline bent in half.  It was extremely heavy.  The only way to move it was to disassemble it.  We got some tools and did that.  By the time that was done it was dinner time.  After dinner my sister volunteered to take the keys back to Avis for me.  I was so appreciative.  I took her up on the offer.  I headed back to the hotel. I had every intention of going by the police station... but I just didn't make it.


I had meeting after meeting in the morning.  I checked out of the hotel by 11 and drove to the nearest Houston Police Department in Clear Lake, Tx.  I was meeting with people via my phone during my travels there but alas - I arrived.  I walked in and gave them my report.  By the time that was finished I was mentally spent.  I drove to Subway, got a sandwich, and headed to my sister's.  After lunch and catching up on emails from work, I left to drive to College Station, TX.  Once there I took my nephew out for dinner and visited for a while before retiring for the night.


My day started early.  I had to pick up Ammon at 7:00 am but the instructions were vague.  I was able to accomplish this and then onto IHOP for breakfast.  We stopped by Shipley's Do-Nuts for a TX treat and then onto Bush International Airport.  It was fun hearing about all of Ammon's experiences at this camp.  After filling the tank we dropped of the pickup and found ourselves at the Delta terminal to check in our bags.  I was able to get an earlier flight and the next thing we knew we were in SLC.  We took a Lyft to the house.  It was so very nice being home.  I went to bed early.


I awoke at 3am.  I couldn't sleep.  I looked at my phone and then forced myself to go back to sleep.  It was probably 4:30 before I went to sleep.  I awoke again at 7:30.  The day started and ended without incident.  Our family dinner was so nice.  Alex, Emma (Jean), Madilyn, Ammon, Claire, and I did Karaoke.  We all laughed.  It was so good.  After Claire went to bed we watched some Studio C and then all headed to bed. It was a short weekend for me.  Work starts up early tomorrow.

Until later - 

Saturday, June 3, 2023

03 June 2023 (8 years, 5 months, 15 day after The Day)

 Well - Saturday has started with lots of work.  I mowed and edged the yard.  That was over 5K steps.  We have a full week this next week so there is a lot to do.  Ammon got back from high adventure with sunburns on his feet from where he was wearing sandals.  He has gotten so tall it is odd for me to look at him being so tall.  We are eye to eye.  

I'm hosting  a trivia game at work and had to come up with various trivia questions.  I always find enjoyment in coming up with these questions.  They are both silly, informative, and tricky.  

Claire seems to go from happy to very irritable in a short amount of time.  I don't know if this is age or just because we have tolerated it.  Needless to say we don't tolerate it now.  This has made for some tough days.

I realized I haven't shared any pictures of my granddaughter.  This is Monroe.  

She is the cutest little girl.  She loves to talk with Samantha.  Not so much with me.  It is probably that I don't talk with her as often.  When we visit I do get a moment to hold her and interact with her.  She is so sweet.  I just love her so much.

We have more of the thistle growing in our yard.  I seriously hate this weed.  I fully understand why farmers burn their fields with this in there.  It grows so tall and so fast that you can't get in to get it removed before it is towering over 6 feet in height.  I'm going to pick up some weed killer and go to town.  Hopefully I can get it under control.  We probably have 50 plants that are now 4 feet in height.  They are not all on our property but because we don't have fences and our backyard is a mountainside the plants are just going nuts.

Well - now that I am not in school I find time is available for living life.  It is amazing how you appreciate things more when something you take for granted is taken away from you.  Time.  Time is something I both love and hate.  Needless to say, having available time has been helpful and a welcomed addition to my life.

Until later -


Thursday, June 1, 2023

01 June 2023 (8 years, 5 months, 13 day after The Day)

 My supervisor and I hired a couple of interns at work.  It is good to have a fresh set of eyes on something as it may uncover some things we need to do differently.  I am hopeful for the findings. 

Ammon is at a camp and will return tomorrow night.  I hope he is enjoying it.  He doesn't like being outside his comfort zone and this is definitely outside his comfort zone.  While he has been gone I changed out the tubes and tires on my old bike for him to use.  I measured him before he left for camp and he was a little over 6'.  He is not even 15 yet so I expect he will be my height or maybe a bit taller.  Who knows.

Emma Jean and I went on a daddy-daughter date tonight.  It was good catching up with everything she has going on at work. 

I watched "who's line is it anyway?" when I got home with Madilyn and she and I were laughing up a storm.  I enjoy hearing my children laugh.  

Claire has been fussy lately.  I don't know what to do about that.  She seems like everything is something to irritate her.  I worry about when she is 16!  

Well - I don't have a ton to report on.  I am going to update my last post with my talk I gave at graduation.... once I find it.

Until later - 

Tuesday, May 30, 2023

30 May 2023 (8 years, 5 months, 11 day after The Day)

 So, I have been absent for about 18 months.  I was working on finishing my degree and I did.  I graduated and have turned the page on that time in my life.  I have to say that anyone who is getting a graduate degree as an adult should be commended.  What a sacrifice!  It was a sacrifice by me, Samantha, my kids, my coworkers, my family, everyone.  

I traveled to West Lafayette, IN and was able to visit with some classmates.  I was able to walk across the stage and it was a tremendous feeling to complete the degree.  I averaged between 70 and 90 hours a week and that was every week except the weeks between modules.  I have just been exhausted.  After the graduation I was awoken to the fact that I had been living under a rock for a while.  Samantha came into the room one day and asked what I was doing that evening.  I said "Nothing.  Absolutely nothing."  It was a good feeling.  I feel the sacrifice my family made has been huge.  

So - I officially have my Masters of Science from Purdue University in Business Analytics.  I have learned a ton.  I spoke at the virtual commencement and had an interview for some media engagements I am going to be involved in.  Overall it is a crazy time.

I realized the last time I posted was in December.  This is how detached from reality I have been.  

Samantha and I picked up some bicycles and are trying to start a new habit of riding on a regular basis.  I rode a ton as a kid and getting back into that has been good.

I have so much to say but I am at a loss since I haven't written in so long.  

Emma (Jean) returned home from serving as a missionary in Bakersfield, CA in March.  My oldest stepdaughter (Emma (Jane)) gave birth to her second child.  I LOVE being a grandpa.  It is the absolute best.  It is better than any degree, any recognition, anything.  I love this little girl cooing at me in FaceTime.  

I feel closer to my kids and that is an awesome feeling.  I love all of them. I don't see Emma (Jane) that often unless she drives in or Alex unless he joins for dinner on Sundays but I sure love them all and am so grateful for them in my life.

So - a new chapter begins.
