Tuesday, December 31, 2019

31 December 2019 (5 years, 12 days after The Day)

So, a few things have occurred since my last post.  Samantha and Claire both got the flu.  I knew this was inevitable but it still is tough.  With Claire having medical challenges with high fevers we are watching her closely.  The doctors say this is only for the next year or so and she will outgrow it.  That being said with a little one being sick it just is tough on everyone.  Claire is in good spirits though so that is good.  I feel bad for Samantha since 99% of all questions from the kids go to her.  I try to jump in the middle but often times I feel I am ill equipped to answer the question at hand.  Sad. Yes... sad but true.  Since getting over the flu myself it is comforting to know it will only last about a week but that was one long week for me.

Here is a pic of Claire snuggling with me while we watched a show last night.

After feeling a bit better myself after getting over the flu I embarked on a new challenge.  Making sausage.  Yes, this is something that I knew nothing about but Samantha got me a book for Christmas and I took to learn all there was on the subject.  So, after a few solid days of learning I embarked on the task and I learned some things.

  1. Following recipes can make the end result really good thus making you appear like you know what you are doing. 
  2. Making sausage is very messy.  I mean like meat on the floor, cabinets, smeared on the countertops, etc.  The process turned our kitchen into a slaughterhouse and it was nasty.  
  3. I had to purchase some bourbon for this recipe and since I am not a drinker I know nothing about it.  This made for a comical experience in the liquor store as I didn't know what I was looking for.  I still don't know if what I got is junk or not but the end result was good so I guess it was ok.
  4. Casings stink.  Seriously.  

So- AFTER the mess of this process - this is the outcome:

I threw them on the smoker yesterday and here is the final product:

They are really good.  I was shocked at how good they taste.  They definitely do not taste like ANY sausage I have ever come across in UT.  So, I will count this as a win and will probably make more after the impact of the cleaning process wears off.

I also smoked some ribs for some people in the neighborhood and played Santa delivering ribs.  It was fun.  I also smoked a turkey and at 12:30 in the morning it was finally done.  I think it is only a matter of time before I end up building a kitchen outside.  Cooking BBQ is messy but I am such a sucker for the taste.  I love it.

I have been on vacation and this week it ends after the new year.  I have enjoyed this vacation even though I spent it with lots of Tylenol as I battled the flu.  It was so good to visit with everyone and not be in the office.

Until later -