A few months ago Samantha purchased a Jalapeño plant for me from the Home Depot. It was a small little thing and a wind storm blew it off the porch and separated it from the pot spilling potting soil all over the porch. I decided to plant it in the front bed right by the porch so I could easily tend to it. It got watered and slowly began to grow. Here we are a few months later and the little plant is producing a ton of peppers. Below is a snapshot of just a portion of the peppers I took from the plant this afternoon.
Who would have thought I could grow a plant that would produce something I like?! My grandmother would be proud.
Today I reflected a ton on Emma and Alex - both serving in the mission field. Alex will be back in less than a year. It is crazy how fast time moves when everyone has a busy schedule. I hope Emma is doing well. There is a bit of a shock of beginning a mission when a person arrives at the missionary training center (MTC). It isn't anything bad but it is a moment in time that you realize this journey is beginning. It can be unsettling but it can also be transformative in such a positive way.
I did something the other day. I decided to get prescription sunglasses. I was so determined to make contacts work but I couldn't get the darn thing in my eye. My doctor was very patient as he wanted to help but my previous memories of trying them in high school taught me that I would do much better if I did them myself. So - I tried until I became frustrated. I threw in the towel and blamed it on my small eyes but it is probably just me not relaxing my eyes. Anyway - I picked out a new set of standard frames as well as a pair of sunglasses. I am very excited to get them both. I have not worn sunglasses since I was 13. I am hopeful this will help me avoid the pesky migraines that seem to be triggered with sunlight. Samantha got glasses as well. It seems both of our sight isn't as good as it used to be. We were notified today that two of the pairs were ready. As soon as they are all here we will go get them.
I realize just how normal most of society is as we all try to raise our kids to be good people. I realize there are those on the fringe that make for good people watching moments but I am not referring to them. I'm taking about the normal Joe in his car driving to work. Everyone has challenges. Maybe they are big or small. Maybe the person can handle stresses with grace or maybe they have a tantrum. I was looking around my friends, neighbors, and family and there are those that lost a spouse, child, or family member. There are those that have children that have made bad choices. There are those that are working multiple jobs as well as going to school to better themselves. Some are sick or dealing with disease or physical limitations. I see everyone doing their best and yet I see everyone numb to the real world. I find it energizing when I have an in-person conversation (a short one) with someone. Today's technology has devices in everyone's hand that tells them how much time they are averaging a day. Remember the time before the mobile phones when you just didn't know where people where until they came home? You would sit and watch TV and chat with your family. I smile when I think of those memories. Just some thoughts.
Well - until later -