Sunday, August 11, 2024

11 Aug 2024 (9 years, 7 months, 23 days after The Day)

 So - another entry for the book.  A bunch has happened and yet a lame entry awaits your eyes.  My eldest biological daughter (Emma) is returning from Alaska this week.  I am excited to have her home.  She has been doing summer sales there and it has been an experience.  Everything is so expensive.  There are so many stories and yet, my lame entry is this paragraph - for now.  I am getting her vehicle ready to get back to her.  It has been parked while she has been away.  I am almost finished with it.

Claire is going to be starting the 4th grade soon.  That is a tough realization.  It is amazing how quickly kids grow.  Speaking of growing, my goodness is she growing.  She is as tall as a 12 year old but she is not 12.  Ammon, on the other hand, has been growing so much that he and I do see eye to eye now.  We are about an inch off.  I'm 6'2" and he is 6'1" the last I measured.  So, it is humbling to have a kid get that tall.  We got him some converse shoes for school and he opted for getting some that have dinosaurs on them.  Yes, you read that correctly.  He makes me laugh.  Like really laugh hard.

I'm juggling some work projects and so is Samantha.  I'm still mowing on the weekends and my energy has been taxed of late.  More on that later.  I have been so fortunate to have been able to spend so much time with my kiddos.  Alex and I evicted like 50 wasps from the car that was parked that Madilyn drove that Ammon will be driving soon.  We washed the cars and it was crazy getting the bugs off.  I just cannot believe how many bugs there are here in Utah.  The grasshoppers are insane.  When I mow I feel like Moses parting the grasshoppers as they jump out of the way.  There are hundreds.  It is crazy.  

I'm sure there will be more later - as a parting thought.  Always be thankful for today because you never know the news of tomorrow.

Sunday, May 12, 2024

12 May 2024 (9 years, 4 months, 22 days after The Day)

 Happy Mother's Day to all the mothers out there.  This for me is a reflection on the sacrifice my mother made in my life.  What a sacrifice it was.  My mom raised my sisters and I as a single parent.  My dad was not involved to say the least and never once to I recall my mom bad mouthing my father.  My mom allowed his actions to speak for himself.  My mom was there for everything.  We grew up in frugal circumstances.  I never knew that I was disadvantaged in any way as my mom sacrificed to ensure my sisters and I grew up in a safe neighborhood and went to good public schools.  My sisters and I were latch-key kids and didn't have the advantage of having our mom there after school but we all knew she loved us and wanted us to be our best.  We all studied hard and learned how to be independent good people in society.  I think that is what any parent would want, right?  I was thinking the other day how my mom would call me out on things as a kid.  When I was really young she would say "Robert, you don't know your own strength." Let me tell you how much I hated hearing that phrase.  As I got older I realized this is true.  There are things I can do naturally that others just can't.  For example, if you hand me an apple, I have no problem just tearing it in half with my hands.  No technique.  Just dig your fingers into the apple and tear it in half.  I always thought people could do this but then my mom's words come back into my mind.  She would also say "How would you feel if you were [fill in the learning for the day here]" For me that was the beginnings of me looking inward to how my actions may be received by others.  She probably said that phrase a thousand times.  It was so often that I realized two things.  1.) I am probably doing things that are not nice.  2.) If I took some time to think about the situation before I said something or acted, I would probably do something different.  That council was probably the biggest change to my life as it had me thinking inward to the Golden Rule of treating others as you would want someone to treat you.

So - why do I go on this back story of my life today?  I am reflected on how as parents we are put into a place of being mentors to the future generations of today.  How it is so important not to have a generation of orphans with parents.  To be involved.  To be engaged.  To teach.  To inspire.  To wonder why this world is going to crap and then we all stare mindlessly into our phones.  I am not immune to the challenges before us all.  There are times I want to chuck my phone into the depth of the sea.  I count myself as blessed to live at a pivotal time both before and during the age of technology.  Before I go on a tangent on technology, let me just say the purpose of this blog entry is to say that some of the greatest teachers were parents.  To those mothers who have put there all into the raising of their children you have my utmost respect.  Thank you to my mom, wife(s), grandmothers, sisters, and daughters who have and continue to set such a positive example and who have had such a profound impact upon my life.  Thank you.

Monday, February 12, 2024

12 February 2024 ( 9 years, 1 month and 24 days after The Day)

 I have neglected this blog.  I think it is for a myriad of reasons.  The primary one is I am having a difficult time with my past.  I have a life I lived.  I had a wife, children, a home, and all the things that would constitute normalcy yet it is a memory.  My children have grown up.  I looked at my youngest son and now he is 6'1" and doesn't resemble the tiny 6 year old that endured such horrific times.  My eldest daughter is so grown up and my middle daughter is now living in Houston and working as an EMT.  Claire is 9.  None of these little kids resemble the kids that went through everything back then so it is hard for me to reflect on this past life.

This last Christmas was ok.  It was hard for Samantha and me.  We spent some time at an Airbnb but the host was a bully.  It turned what would have been a nice Christmas moment with the family into a moment where Samantha and I were just ready to leave.  I took about 2 gb of pictures and videos of their house before and after.  That should explain how much of a bully this host was. 

We celebrated Claire's birthday before the trip and upon our return it was back to normal.  It was nice to have a break from work and get a chance to relax with the family.  I got a chance to spend some time with Madilyn before she moved.  That was very hard for me.

I still am working as a student ambassador for Purdue which means I help students and participate in various ways.  Recently I participated with students interviewing me.  I had three students assigned to me.  So far two have conducted their interviews.  I'm still waiting on the 3rd.  I enjoy helping the students.  They are just starting out in their undergraduate programs.

I'm working with some significant time-sensitive projects at work which are adding some stress to everyone there.  Like any project it is one thing at a time so today seemed to be helping everyone understand and focus on scope and prevent it from expanding.

I am also striving to help build some machine learning for the company.  I feel it has a huge benefit if I can get some data I can leverage.  That is the trick with machine learning.  It has to train leaning from past information so any solution you think up can only be viable if you have data it can learn from.  

I strive to live by the golden rule by treating others as I would like to be treated.  I strive to be extremely fair and often thinking for long periods to ensure I do indeed act in a manner that is fair.  I have one exception to this.  That is myself when thinking of the past.  When I look in the past, I feel I am the harshest task master.  I think of what I would say or do to myself if I could go back in time and talk to myself.  I wonder if I am alone in that feeling.  As the saying goes, hindsight is 20/20 but for me that is no excuse.  It sounds silly.  In my mind I analyze things so much that EVERY play is evaluated so in a way the fact that something played out different than what I anticipated doesn't mean I didn't think this reality could happen.  It is for this reason I feel I am so harsh with myself.  It is like playing the odds in poker only with what will transpire in life.  I have a difficult time forgiving myself.  I suppose we all do at times.

It is something I am working on.

So - I am looking forward to the snow melting and the coming of warmer weather.  It will be well received!

Until later - 



Saturday, December 2, 2023

02 December 2023 (8 years, 11 months, 13 days after The Day)

 Today I awoke to the sound of a snow blower.  It was a dreaded sound when you are all snuggly in bed.  For those not living where it snows this means there is work to be done.  I laid there in bed with my eyes still shut not wanting to arise. I eventually got up and threw on my clothes and jacket.  Put on my headphones and laced up my boots.  I threw my leaf blower on my back and got to work.  I have a commercial leaf blower that makes quick work of snow removal but there is one catch.  It has to be cold.  In the fall the snow is wet and that makes it difficult for the blower to do much other than make really good snow balls.  I was able to get a lot of the snow moved so shoveling was light.  If the snow falls but melts later in the day it is not cold enough.  If it falls and stays frozen through the day then the snow blower can move that snow all day long.  Anyway, in total it was 7K steps.  Samantha wanted to get the house cleaned so I vacuumed and mopped the kitchen, living room, and dining room floors while she was busy upstairs.  I then cleaned some of our fabric sitting chairs with one of those wet vacuum cleaner things.  Um... every time I use this thing it is both amazing and gross.  This is where we sit.  We wear regular clothing right?  yet, the color of the water is BLACK and the smell... oh my goodness... the smell!  Let's just say, it wasn't the smell of cookies.  

Afterwards, the Christmas season has everyone running errands so we were with the masses at Walmart which is not my most favorite of places but makes for some interesting people watching for sure.  It is about 8pm now and I have about 8k steps.  For me, that is a lot.  My kids are all out doing things tonight so Samantha and I are going to watch a movie and just have a calm moment once Claire is down for the night.

On a different note, I'm involved in a local IT group here in Utah and it looks like I am going to be teaching them about Machine Learning which is a big topic.  Everyone is interested in this as a subject.  Because I learned this topic at school this has made me the local expert which is very unsettling.  I mean - sure, I have taken classes on the subject matter and yes, I do understand it but probably not well enough to teach 200 people!  I suppose the comment that Stephen Covey said is true - when you teach once, you learn twice.  I'm working on how to teach it in a lab environment. 

Anyway - To all that are reading this - I hope you all have a blessed evening.  Until later - 

Friday, October 20, 2023

20 October 2023 (8 years, 10 months, 1 day after The Day)

 Well - my sincere apologies - I lost track of time and didn't realize just how long it had been since I last wrote in the blog.  So - Summary posts are always lame.  I don't feel like they give justice to all that has been going on.  I had a business trip to Houston and Arlington a while back and that was good.  I was able to work with a lot of people and get a lot done.  I came home and promptly got sick.  It is no fun being ill. I awoke a few nights after my return with a sore throat.  Boo.  

Tonight I went with my family to get pumpkins to carve on Sunday.  We picked out a lot of them.  We got over $80 worth of pumpkins for all the kiddos and friends to carve.  I never really carved pumpkins with Jan so this is a fun tradition we have now.  I found a really wide short pumpkin with a big stem.  I figured this was good for the front door.  The good thing is this pumpkin doesn't have to move any time soon.  Pumpkins are the perfect fall fruit... they are perfect for halloween as well as thanksgiving.  

I watched the Astros win game 5 on the ALCS tonight.  I love the Astros.  They are like family.  I get tickled when people have such vitriol towards them for the cheating scandal claiming their team would never cheat.  For those of you who feel I speak blasphemes against your team - for your reading pleasure.  

I am heading to bed early tonight.  This cold is just no good.  :-(


Monday, July 24, 2023

24 July 2023 (8 years, 7 months, 5 days after The Day)

 My mother-in-law (Jan's mom) passed away.  The flood of emotions that have followed isn't something that I thought would hit me so hard.  Jan was distant from her parents during the last few years of her life.  There were hurt feelings on both sides.  This was very unfortunate but the argument affected not only Jan but me.  It affected my relationship with her parents.  I love them dearly. Time may not heal all wounds but I believe in Christ and believe he can.  Her funeral is in a few days.  I regret not being in more contact during the last few years of her life.  Regrets seem to be a common theme at funerals.  I suppose this one is no different.  She and her husband were private people and yet I felt accepted by them.  I miss them both.  I wish I could have a conversation with both of them.  I suppose in time I will.  So - the funeral is on my mind.  I will see family I haven't seen in years.  Funerals and weddings seem to be the place for family reunions.  

Here is her obituary

Until later -   

Friday, July 21, 2023

21 July 2023 (8 years, 7 months, 2 days after The Day)

 I have been in a funk the last few days.  I think that is because the rigors of school have gone and I find myself with free time but no activities.  Outside of a few car costs that have occupied my time I really just find myself thinking.  I think about everything and nothing.  I find myself staring off as I allow my mind to drift.  Jan's mom has failing health.  I talked to the kids about this so they are aware.  At times I reflect on my life with Jan and it is hard to recall.  There are so many things I have forgotten.  My kids have forgotten too.  It is very sad.  At times I close my eyes to reflect upon that time.  I imagine myself sitting on the couch and hearing what life would be like.  The clattering of the AC filter as the AC turned on/off.  The sound of the dishwasher, the sounds of small kids, the sound of some cartoon on the TV, etc.  I think about how many things I took for granted.  If Jan were sitting by me right now I wonder what I would say.  I feel like I need a reintroduction.  I find myself thinking so long and hard on things that I can be silent for hours.  Sometimes Samantha asks me a question or I strive to share some of my thoughts and just getting my thoughts together seems like a lengthy process.  Samantha wants me to just talk but I find myself opening and shutting my mouth as if words were queued up but never launched.  What has really been on my mind is my kids.  I wonder if I have been a good enough parent to help them be functioning adults.  I know they have some maturing to do but it is hard.  It is hard especially when your children make decisions that you don't agree with.  For me it makes me question what I did and if I could go back in time what would I change.

So - I find myself thinking.

Years ago, Jan made me some stationary with this statue's silhouette.  I find myself pondering things so often.  One thing I know.  I'm tired.  I feel like I hit my 40's and my body decided to fall apart.  Restless Leg Syndrome is something I am battling.  It is horrible.  I need to get a prescription.  Last night my legs kept me awake for about 2 hours.  

Well - Samantha and I are waiting on the results from Claire's EEG.  No news yet.  I'm frustrated with our Neurologist.  The guy just seems to treat neurological disorders as commonplace.  Hope to hear something soon.

Until later -