Greetings everybody. I have been pondering many events that have transpired in my life of late. I realize that we see, learn, and understand things in a given way and internalize them forever that way. Here is a definition for you.
A paradigm is a framework, model, or set of assumptions that define how something is understood, approached, or conducted within a particular field or context. It shapes thinking, behaviors, and methodologies.
For a visual,
Another is hearing a passing siren from an emergency vehicle. We hear it approach at one pitch, sound normal, then in the distance as it moves away has a different pitch. If the question is "what is the sound of the siren" then the answer is actually all of them. Just because it sounds "normal" when it is up close doesn't mean it is wrong when it is far away leaving or far away approaching. This reality has helped me over the years not to cast judgement too quickly on a situation.
Now, before you all run away with the thought of math, hear me out. Let's talk about Walmart people. You know what I am talking about. You walk in that store and you think to yourself when you see people, "That's different." or maybe you don't think it. Maybe you say it. Let's look at a distribution of data below. Let's call this "Walmart shoppers and their choices of clothing" The blue section represents the vast majority of people like you and me that know how to dress themselves. The green section starts to leave "normal" and enter the area of "you may not want to wear that in public". The yellow section may represent the rare but entertaining experience of the outlier in the store where you wonder how they arrived there and if there is a timer running on when police will be called or if police know them by name already.

My wife says she is going to get me a shirt that says "That's different" because of how many times I notice things in the green or yellow areas. Suffice it to say I think we are all judgmental. I bring this up because we may be too quick to cast judgement not knowing the person themselves. For example, I struggle with color and think to myself maybe there are times I am too lazy to ask someone how I look before I head out the door to Walmart. Maybe I am normally dressing in the green area and don't know it. People may look at me surprised that I tied my shoes correctly.

When I graduated from Purdue, we saw people on campus wandering around that looked very disheveled. I told my wife they were either homeless or Ph.D. students (think yellow on the scale of education). I think that is a good example of how my brain works. I easily jump to casting judgement before telling myself to stop and consider all elements. So, here I am reviewing all the various judgements that have been made by me over the last few months. I think to myself are they in the green or are they blue am I in the yellow? This has helped me review my actions towards others.
Family life events have continued to make things a challenge.... stretching myself beyond my comfort zone. One thing is true - my comfort zone has expanded these last few months. For all the men out there, we tend to place so much value on our career. It is like a thing that defines us. For me I have come to realize I am more than a job, at least, that is what my family has told me and what my Father in Heaven is teaching me. It is a hard lesson for me to relearn. I have been taught from my youth that your core should be focused on God, then your family, then your career.

I suppose when you work long enough trying to be your best at a career you begin to reprioritize things. For me, God has always been a core part of me but has taken a back seat to many of my life pursuits. My Heavenly Father has been patient with me on this. From time to time I have had trials that question my spiritual strength. It is is an eye opener when you once were so spiritually strong only to return having spent so much focus elsewhere to be weak. It reminds me of the scripture in Mark 9:24 "And straightway the father of the child cried out, and said with tears, Lord, I believe; help thou mine unbelief". So, it is now that I return to the spiritual gym with my Heavenly Father who patiently helps me. I am relearning that each of us is a cherished son/daughter of our Heavenly Father. Even those in the yellow and even me.